Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December in a blender

According to leading internet experts, we are in the month of our final demise. Will the world actually end? WHO KNOWS. But I do know this podcast probably isn't improving our odds of survival. This week marks Chapter 22 of Dracula. If the world does end, we won't be able to get through the entire book. And that would be sad. Stream the show: Access the Archive.org page for tracklist and MP3 download HERE. Until next week, keep it geeky. - Jackie.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

One for the recordbooks

Another one in the bag. This show marks Chapter 21 of Dracula, which means we are nearing the end of the book. I am taking suggestions for the next audiobook if anyone cares to contribute an idea. Today's show featured several cover songs, albeit with no pre-planning on my part. Thats OK, we like those kind of happy accidents. Stream the show: Access the Archive.org page for playlist and MP3 download: HERE. Keep it geeky, Jackie.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Impromptu sub show!

A fellow WIDR DJ was not able to make his show, Arctic Paradise, tonight so I jumped on the chance to fill in and have some fun. The show normally centers on jazz and the ilk so I tried to base my playlist around that theme. I believe I largely succeeded, but as always, YOU DECIDE. Hope you enjoy. Stream the Show: Access the archive.org page for tracklisting and MP3 download: HERE. Back tomorrow for regular LAN Party scheduling. - Jackie

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Retail respite.

Some of you will be off visiting loved ones and ingesting bird meat. Others will be awash in the glow of computer monitors gathering bitcoins. Either way, make sure to opress those around you with this podcast. As always, if you're in a mood for a break from the retail shitstorm that is Thanksgiving weekend, tune in to WIDR FM! Stream the show: Access the archive.org page for tracklisting and MP3 download HERE. As always, keep it geeky. - Jackie

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

turkey holocaust november podcast

How ya feeling, listeners? Its a bit nippy outside so hopefully you have some sort of warm-blooded creature with which you can snuggle and listen to this podcast. Lots of new music this week. Hope you liked it, cuz theres more on the way. This week also marks the 19th installment of the Dracula Audiobook. We are more than halfway through it now, which is a reason to celebrate for those of you who are bored with it. Be that as it may, I would still urge you to give it a chance, as it is quite a landmark piece of literature (to say nothing of all the cool things it inspired). Stream the show: Access the archive.org page for tracklisting and MP3 download HERE. Until next week, keep it geeky. - Jackie

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election coverage

Well hello, WIDR Listeners! News sources are reporting that we are keeping the current president. This means that contenders like Roseanne Barr and lesser known politicos like some guy named Romney will fade back into the night like the feral cats they are. The LAN Party is here to bring you soothing music to act as a salve on your hanging chads. Enjoy. Stream the show: Acess the archive.org page for info and MP3 downloads: HERE. Until next week, keep it geeky. - Jackie

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween is a portent of things to come in 2012

Ahh, the halloween show. A classic LAN Party tradition. The only holiday for which I can muster up any semblance of enthusiasm. I tried keeping the death metal to a minimum, since past halloween shows have been used as an excuse to spew that sort of deranged filth into your speakers. Instead I stuck to the horror-theme scary titles and so forth. It actually ended up being a decent blend of tracks. Stream the show: Access the download link at the archive.org page: HERE Until next week, keep it ghastly. - Jackie

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Prelude to a scary show

This week had some hits and misses. The Flying Lotus track was a hit. The Local H track was a hard miss. I guess curiosity did kill this cat after all. We hit chapter 17 of Dracula. Next week will be our annual Halloween show, which is special in that it actually falls on Halloween day this year. What a cause celebre! I have lots of tracks already lined up. Should I skip the Dracula chapter or not? It is certainly appropriate, but will also take away from the time I can play some spooky ass tracks. ANYWAY: Stream the show: Download the track from the archive.org page HERE. - Jackie

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Combating bad music

I will begin by apologizing for the ridiculous track at the beginning of the show. I had a momentary relapse into kindness and consideration. I promise to no longer be kind and considerate, for it is obvious that terrible music is the payment for good behavior. After that abortion of a song, we launched into chapter 16 of Dracula. This means we are more than halfway through the book! I know some of you are rejoicing at that, but I still think the tale is meritorious and deserving of your ear-holes. The new Pinback song certainly is deserving of a listen! Stream the show: Download the show HERE. Keep it geeky! - Jackie

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

R U ready for October???

What a week. It has gotten considerably colder and the leaves are a-fallin'. Be aware that enthusiastic people erecting their thanksgiving and christmas decorations will be shot on sight. Speaking of ghastly topics, this week marks the 15th chapter of Dracula. Stream the show and browse the Archive.org page HERE. Until next week, don't slip on wet leaves. - Jackie.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dracula Death Grips

What a week! Death from Dracula and tracks from Death Grips. I can already tell that the Halloween show will be a bloodlust-fueled fracas. This week marks Chapter 14 of the Dracula Audiobook if you're keeping track. New music from the Death Grips album No Love Deep Web as well as tracks like an old school Ennio Morricone selection. Hope you enjoy the show. Stream and download HERE. Until next week, keep it geeky. - Jackie.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lucky 13!

Fall is in the air. The leaves are changing and one can embark on sightseeing tours of all the various colors of campus vomit. This week marks the 13th chapter of the Dracula Audiobook. After Dracula, I played some good tracks. Enjoy. Stream the show and browse the Archive.org page: HERE Download the MP3: HERE Keep it geeky for another week! - Jackie

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Getcha damn hoodies out!

Today was probably the first real good hoodie-wearin' day we've had since spring. Hope you celebrated accordingly. While we're on the subject of the cold, this episode marks the 12th installment of the bone-chilling Dracula audiobook. Then there was much metal and bass. Good show. Access Archive.org and stream HERE. Download it HERE. Until next week, keep it geeky. - Jackie.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome back, studentz!

Hope your summer was enjoyable, for now begins the fall semester. I marked the occasion with a few classics and some great new stuff (most of which is free to download). This week was also the 11th chapter of Dracula. Almost halfway through it! Stream this week's show: Download the MP3: HERE Browse the archive.org page for the tracklisting: HERE Until next week, keep it geeky. - Jackie.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Campus is burning

With the riots on WMU's campus and the Republican National Convention happening on the same week, I was forced to bring some unusual music to your ears. After Chapter 10 of Dracula, I proceeded to bust out some real gems. Enjoy. Stream the show: Download the MP3: HERE Browse the archive.org page: HERE Next week will be our annual back-to-school special. Tune in for it, if you're not dead from alcohol poisoning that is. - Jackie.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Back to the self-pleasure

With The Imp's departure and DJ Gun Rack's return to South America, I am yet again alone. Until I can secure another co-host, expect some more solo action for the foreseeable future. This week marks chapter 9 of Dracula. Stream the show: Download it here. Go to the archive.org page here. Until we meet again next week, keep it geeky. Jackie signing out!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Good news vs. bad news

Well, theres good news and bad news. The bad news is that The Imp has disappeared. His whereabouts are currently unknown. The good news is that I was able to secure an appearance from DJ Gun Rack. Next week will we will not be so fortunate. I will have to do more solo shows. Sigh. Stream the show: Download the MP3: HERE Archive.org page: HERE Until next week, keep it geeky and look for The Imp under any large rocks you happen across. - Jackie

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer II has nearly ended.

All of you in Summer II classes are nearing the finish line. In a few short weeks there will be new hordes of freshman to disdain. Are you excited? Theres always solace in the LAN Party episodes, right? This week marked the 8th installment of the Dracula Audiobook just in case you were hankering for that knowledge. Stream the show: Download the MP3: HERE Access the Archive.org page: HERE Until next week, keep it geeky. - Jackie

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Songs about vampires and running around on fire

This week marks the 7th installment of the Dracula Audiobook. Still hanging in? After that we stumbled upon a tentative name for our mashup-song segments. Stream the show: Download the MP3: HERE Go to the Archive.org page: HERE Until next time, keep it geeky. - Jackie.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back to our regular programming...

We are back to normal after the last two weeks of subbing for the reggae show. Suddenly four hours in studio seems easy. This week marks the 6th installment of the Dracula Audiobook. Stream the show: Download the MP3: HERE Check out the Archive.org page: HERE Until next time, keep it geeky. - Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Vampires and music. Could you ask for anything more?

The Imp and I covered Reggae Revolution again this week. This week also marks the 5th installment of Bram Stoker's Dracula. It consisted of character introductions and fanciful missives between victorian women, so you know you want to hear this stuff. Regular lo' Christian Grey, Bram Stoker was. Stream the Reggae Revolution: Stream the LAN party Download the Reggae Revolution HERE Download the LAN Party HERE Browse the Archive.org pages: Reggae Revolution and LAN Party

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Can you handle 6 hours of The Imp and I? Can we handle it? We covered the Reggae Revolution for Selector Jonathan while he is off cavorting and seeing sights. I always enjoy covering his show because the genre is so unfamiliar that I always find something new to enjoy. We will also be covering next week if you are so inclined to listen in. On the LAN Party side of things, this week marks the 4th chapter of Bram Stoker's Dracula audiobook. Stream the Reggae Revolution Stream the LAN Party Download the Reggae Revolution HERE. Download the LAN Party HERE. Check out the Archive.org pages: Reggae and LAN Party Until next week, Keep it geeky. - Jackie

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Late to bed, late to rise.

I was indisposed this week and was unable to make it to the studio in time for the show. Luckily, Mr. Imp was able to fill in and cover for my tardiness. Stream the show: Download the MP3: HERE Check out the Archive.org page: HERE Next week we will return to the regular programming in addition to covering for Selector Jonathan during the Reggae Revolution. Can listeners endure 6 hours of our hijinks? Find out next week! - Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

One more hotdog down the hallway

What a great week! In addition to the 3rd installment of Dracula, there was some awesome music! You know the deal by now. If you don't, then how did you get here? I applaud you and compliment your good taste. Now sit back and stream a show. Stream the show: Download the MP3: HERE Check the Archive.org page: HERE Until next week, Jackie and The Imp wish you mixed blessings.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tardy submissions.

It took no less than four different attempts to get last weeks podcast uploaded and posted. Whewww, finally did it. Many much apologies to those of you awaiting this weekly update with baited breath. This week marks Chapter 2 of Bram Stoker's Dracula in audiobook format. You also may notice that The Imp and I are beginning to form that cohesive unit of partnership that allows for the witty repartee (a veritable staple of the LAN Party). Stream the show: Download the MP3: HERE Reference the Archive.org page: HERE Enjoy. Respectfully yours, Jackie & The Imp

New stuff happening!

Well, its certainly been a busy few weeks. First, my new co-host has officially joined the WIDR staff ranks. Please be receptive to Mr. Indolent Imp, as he is still new and learning where all the right buttons are. Never fear, for he is a quick learner and will be a master of the airwaves posthaste. This podcast marks the start of our latest audiobook series. This time around we are playing Bram Stoker's classic 1897 novel, Dracula. This work is a staple in horror fiction and has spawned myriad other work in entertainment and beyond. The prose is certainly not friendly to the texting generation but anyone with a few brain cells and an understanding of the english language should be fine. Stream the show: Download the MP3: HERE Go to the archive.org page: HERE

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Less horror, more horrible.

Right off the heels of last weeks horror-themed show, here is this weeks horrible show! Errr, horribly great, that is! In honor of House reaching a conclusion, Hugh Laurie was our G.A.P.E.S. selection of the night. Stream the shiz: Download the shiz: HERE Browse the shiz: HERE Who knows what will happen next week. Tune in for whatever the hell it is! - Jackie

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The horror show was a success! Congrats to listener Ryan for winning the T-shirt! Stream this horrifying show: Download this frightening MP3: HERE Browse a ghastly web page: HERE Next week will be a return to the usual LAN Party wackiness. Until then, keep it geeky! - Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

No signs of life, captain!

As I approached the studio tonight the campus looked pretty dead. None of the lights inside the surrounding buildings were lit. Only streetlights were illuminated. Danger appeared to be lurking in the shadows. It was just another reminder that this campus is no longer "mine." So, on a higher note, I will be doing another t-shirt giveaway next week! Greg Kerr, the owner of Miles To Go Clothing has graciously sent me another shirt so I may bestow a lucky winner with sartorial blessings. The shirt in question is "Masque of Red Death" in size XL. It'd probably be smart to be approximately that size, unless you want to win a prize of questionable utility. There has been some interest on our facebook page, so be ready next week, lest this fashionable item of clothing falls into some other person's grimy hands. Click HERE for a picture of the shirt so you can ogle it. Once again, tune in next week for a chance to win this kickass shirt. Onwards to the showzen! Stream it here: Download the MP3: HERE Check out the tracklisting: HERE I wish you all good luck next week!, Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dead @ WIDR

Hey listeners, I feel like I'm dying so I will keep this short. I haz a sickness of some sort. Heres the show. Stream it like flowing urine that smells of vitamin-c and asparagus. Download that shizz: HERE Check out the webpage for tracklisting: HERE Over and out. Off to go die. - Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Graduation is upon me.

Well this is it, folks. I'm graduating in a few days. I will be accredited. I have to cram for two more exams and then I will be done with mah schoolin'. Hard to believe. I'll have to find something else to take up my afternoons. Suggestions? Anyhoo, tonights show was short on talk but tall on the heavy. Or something. Enjoy. Stream the show: Download the MP3: HERE Check out the Archive.org page: HERE Keep it geeky! - Jackie

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The final countdown!

Whoa. Semester is almost over. I had my last lecture today. Nothin' left but turning in papers and taking two exams. Hard to imagine Sangren Hall being torn down after my departure but its fitting in a way. I'm ready for something new.

Speaking of something new, lots of new music this week. Dig it.

Download the MP3: HERE

Ogle the Archive.org page: HERE

Keep it geeky.
Godspeed on your exams,
Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Whoa! I got two calls!

Thanks for the calls tonight! I was glad to know that someone is tuning in, even if one of the calls was a fellow DJ who was concerned that there was an equipment failure.

In a matter of mere days I will be graduating from this esteemed university with a Bachelors in Criminal Justice. I have some avenues of pursuit regarding jobs but nothing on the immediate horizon. I plan on doing this show until I can no longer do it.

I'm looking forward to not having homework over the summer. Plans include job hunting, motorcycle riding, and distracting myself from the mountain of student debt I am wedged underneath. There will definitely be more time to formulate LAN Party playlists!

Heres this weeks show.
Stream it:

Steal it: HERE

Browse it: HERE

Yours geekily,
Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Stoner rockers unite!

Just for laughs I crafted tonight's opening to be a pothead's paradise and inadvertently opened the floodgates to WAY more stoner rock throughout the show. Oops. Its probably unfortunate that I don't smoke pot; I wasn't able to receive the full effect of these songs. Oh well. I did appreciate the call(s) of encouragement!

Stream the show:

Download the MP3: HERE

Check out the Archive.org page: HERE

Until next week,
Stay stoned. Or geeky.

- Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday night Forte session.

What a great week I've had! I saw Henry Rollins, participated in a group presentation on criminology and also found time to make a heavy playlist for the show! Aren't I just awesome? Alos, there are 32 days left until I graduate. Yes, I am gloating.

Lots of great new stuff out this week; Meshuggah and Mars Volta!!!! I would apologize for making the show an impromptu Forte session but no one complained. Or complimented. Or called at all. Woot?

Stream the show:

Download the MP3: HERE

Checkout the Archive.org page: HERE

Until next week, keep them ears bleedin'
- Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hey. Here is a podcast.

I have a presentation tomorrow so I will keep it short 'n sweet.

Stream the show:

Download the show HERE.

Peruse the Archive.org page HERE.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Thanks for all the calls and requests tonight. This is an important week for us WIDR DJ's. We rely on your donations to keep this place afloat. If you can afford to donate, you may do so by calling the phone line at 269-387-6303 or you can donate online HERE.

Stream the show:

Download the MP3 HERE.

Go to peruse the Archive.org page HERE.

Until next week,
Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring Breakcore.

Hows spring break going? Having a good time in Cozumel? Must be hard to make request calls when you're in half-delirious state from sunstroke and Corona. Our G.A.P.E.S. selection for the evening were Mos Def and Chevy Chase in case you were too intoxicated to discern that fact.

So after the show ended the WIDR Overnighter played a sone from Esoteric called "Lamented Despondency" that I thought was swell so I included it in the podcast. Enjoy.

Stream the show:

Download the MP3 HERE

Check out the Archive.org page HERE

Spring-break a leg,
Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Motion from the lotion

This was another one of those weeks where I stumbled into a good setlist by accident. Musta been the fact that it fell on the Leap Year, which is the most exalted day of all time. Or something. What the hell is leap year anyway (besides a reminder to vote)? Heres one answer.

Anyhoo, I got a call from a listener telling me to keep up the good work. I will take that as encouragement to keep on keepin' on. I acknowledge that the show has definitely changed over the years. Any fans of the predominantly videogame/soundtrack format have probably noticed a severe deficiency since I took over the board. No one has called to complain though. I'll take that as acceptance.
Since I'm the primary knob twiddler I will keep on doin' what I do.

Stream the Show:

Download the MP3: HERE

Chack out the Archive.org page: HERE

Until next week, have a remarkable leap year recognition day.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Well there were some long songs this week. Thats all I have to say about that. Very tired. Tune in next week to see if I'm dead from sleep deprivation.


Set 1
Blue sky Black Death - Farewell to the former world - Noir
DarkMateria - The Picard Song
David Lynch - She Rise Up - Crazy Clown Time
Errors - Magna Encarta - Have Some Faith In Magic
First Aid Kit - This Old Routine - The Lion's Roar

Set 2
Meshuggah - Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion - Koloss
The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart - Fear Factory (foxconn)
The Mars Volta - The Malkin Jewel - Noctourniquet
Burial - Kindred - Kindred

Set 3
Ruins - Fire - The Minimal Wave Tapes vol. 2
Sukhwinder Singh & Sapana Awasthi - Chaiyya Chaiyya - Inside Man Soundtrack
Darren Price - Airspace - Under the Flightpath
Amorphous Androgynous - Fat Cat - Tales of Ephidrina
Raoul Bjorkenheim, Bill Laswell, Morgan Agren - 4-4-4-4-2-2-2-5-2 - Blixt

Set 4
On Wings Of Wax- Secrets - The Escape
Kenta Nagata - Rainbow Road - Mariokart 7 (request)
Little Shalimar - Melting - The New Pneumonia Blues
Air - Sonic Armada - Le Voyage Dans La Lune
Antonymes - Dream 9: the Door Towards the Dream

Rollins Band - Icon - Weight

Stream the show:

Download the MP3: HERE

Until next week, remember that sleep is required.
- Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How was your VD evening? Was it a grand affair? Here in the studio I lit some candles and got all sexed up with some of the equipment. Don't tell my bosses.

The next time you see him, thank DJ Gun Rack for his myriad contributions this week. Without his help I would be one sorry-assed excuse for a DJ.

WIDR's website took a poop this week so here is the tracklist for the show:

Set 1:
Buff Roshi – Tonight lets all make love in London – Devil you’re a liar
Charles the osprey – Lovecraft! Smile! – Consider
DJ Cam – Love – Seven
Jambassa – Them never love the flowers (Dziga remix) – Elephant remixes

Set 2:

Grant Cornish – Fartstep – Andy Rehfeldt
Earth – The rakehell – Angels of darkness, demons of light II
The Onion – Parents fight for right to end teenage child’s life
The Omega experiment – Furor – The Omega Experiment

Set 3:
Jose Gonzalez – Love will tear us apart – Australian tour EP
Shigeto – So so lovely – Full circle
They Might Be Giants – Never knew love – Join Us
Portico Quartet – Ruins – Portico Quartet
Lapalux – Gutter Glitter – When you’re gone EP

Set 4:
Gonjasufi – Nikels and Dimes [sic] – Mu.zz.le
Weird Al Yankovic – Since you’ve been gone – Bad Hair Day (request)
DJ Shadow feat. Little Dragon – Scale it back – The less you know, the better
Tincture – You’ll learn (cover of Usher’s ‘burn’) – Free soundcloud download
Christophe Beck – Theme from tower heist – Tower Heist soundtrack
Hanne Hukkelberg – I sing you – Featherbrain

Set 5:
Beats Antique – Uneven – Elektrafone
Ennio Morricone – Sequenza 10 – Crime and Dissonance Soundtrack
Steve Mason & Dennis Bovell – Dub Her In – Ghosts Outside
Chinook – Poison peanuts – Me All Night Long
Forest Swords – Hoylake Misst [sic] – Dagger Paths

Stream the show:

Download the MP3: HERE

Until next week, keep it geeky.
- Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

American Strikeout

This is another crazy week. Several papers due next week; one on the War of 1812, one on the link between media and crime and another where I have to apply Marxist socioeconomic theory to a film. I chose American Psycho. The link is rather obvious; so much so that I may get called out for taking the easy route. We'll see.

I get the feeling that the only types of weeks I will be having from now until graduation. I will try my damnedest to bring you a quality show every week. I was going to try something new on this episode but ran out of time, so tune in next week for this potentially career-ending experiment.

The good news this week is that Carl King gave the show a shout out and placed a link to this blog on his friends page. This is exciting news. I don't know if we'll gain any new listeners but I shall try to maintain whatever questionable standards I possess.

Stream the show:

Download the MP3: HERE

Check out the archive.org page: HERE

Until next week, stay less frantic that I am.
- Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

One little piece

So this has been a busy week. Random senior-year obligations and homework, homework, homework. I hastily threw together a show without fully vetting the songs because I was occupied with other things. Listen close to pick out the words that don't belong.

Stream the show:

Download the MP3: HERE

Check out the archive.org page: HERE

Keep it geeky, folks. I will continue toiling away towards a piece of paper that costs a lot of money.
- Jackie Treehorn.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

We've got a pathway to the stars

This week has been hectic. Several papers due, a research proposal to submit, and large reading assignments. Who knew your last semester of your senior year would be so damn crazy?

Never fear, constant listener. I found the time to throw together a decent playlist for the show. I featured a local band of interest, Osaka Love Hotel. This is a former project of the dapper dude currently involved with the music of [Sparrow]. Click the links for free music!

Stream the show:

Download the MP3: HERE

Checkout the archive.org page for tracklisting: HERE

Keep it geeky,
Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I'm a week into classes and I've already turned in three writing assignments. Kill me now. Please. Please? I'm predicting lots of sleep deprivation occurring as the semester trundles on.

In other news, Wikipedia has shut down in protest over SOPA/PIPA. Thats a laudable move in the face of other sites backing out on their promise to do the same. LEARN MORE HERE.

Well the show was great this week. I had a good time dickin' around in the studio and diggin' through old CDs in the collection. Mos Def was our G.A.P.E.S. selection of the night.

Stream the show:

Download the MP3: HERE

Check out the Archive.org page for tracklisting and other info: HERE

Its icy outside. I will do my best to slide on home without overturning my large, expensive, gas guzzling American vehicle.
- Jackie "fishtailin'" Treehorn

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Classes started. Say goodbye to living.

Classes started this week. Jack will be a very busy boy. 4 classes and 108 days separate me from a piece of paper that will perhaps land me a better paying job than the one I have now. Will the education gambit pay off? WHO KNOWS!

This was a pretty solid show. Lots of 8-bit and a track by a band that DJ GunRack simply goddamn hated, so I had to wait until he left the state to play it again. If you missed the show, you'll just have to figure out which track it is.

Stream the show:

Download the MP3: HERE

Check out the tracklisting at the archive.org page: HERE

Until next week, stay geeky.
Jackie Treehorn

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 could be the year for a lot of things to go wrong.

Thats right, folks. 2012 is upon us. Hide yo' kids. Hid yo' wife. Duck and cover.

I kicked off the year with a track from They Might Be Giants to get us all in a cheerful mood. That way we can ignore all the impending mayan-prophesied doom that will rain down from the sky.

But really, 2011 was a pretty swell year. I have some Big Events going on on 2012, so I hope it will also be a swell year. Graduation is a mere 4 months away. Pretty hard to believe. It will also mark the 6th year I've been involved with this show. Damn!

I'm excited to be in the studio for '12 and (maybe) beyond. Thanks for the calls, requests, and all-around support. Thats the kind of thing that keeps me trundling into the studio every week!

Stream the show:

Download the MP3: HERE

Check out the archive.org page for tracklistings: HERE

Until next week, start dusting off those underground bunkers in the backyard.